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Weekly Columns April 19, 2004:
Free to Protest
Baxter Black
Growing Pains
Lee Pitts
'Dear Gladiola' offers advice to greenhorns
Gwen Petersen
A greenhorn no longer has to experience painful culture shock as he/she attempts to figure out how to survive Out West. This new advice-column is aimed to help out those new to the art and practice of country life.
Beef Recipe Cheesy Sloppy Jose Taco Cups
Weekly Crossword
Weekly Columns April 12, 2004:
Accidental Bidders
Lee Pitts
A detail of the ten most dangerous bidders at any auction
Ranching Humor Column
Gwen Petersen
Weekly Crossword
John Wayne, American
Irakli Makharadze For his own audience, John Wayne is much more than just a superstar, an actor, or an ideal Western hero, as the actor Richard Widmark once called him. Wayne has become a symbol of faithfulness, courage, and infinite love for ones homeland. He is also regarded as an idol by people of many different nationalities, different social backgrounds, living in a drastically different environments.
She Lived Her Life On The Wild Side
Margaret Bzovy
The colorful history of the Martha Jane Cannary
The Grave Yards of Central City (Part 1)
Linda Wommack Pikes Peak or Bust became the slogan for the great Colorado gold rush of 1859. Although Pikes Peak was a good sixty miles from Gregorys discovery, it was the landmark of Colorado Territory...
Vacation With Your Horse
Bonnie Anderson With some careful planning, a vacation with your horse can be everything you thought it would be.
April 5, 2004: |
Experienced with Gates
Standard four-strand, barbed-wire gates are vicious critters programmed to wound, shred clothing and cause extreme emotional distress to anyone, but they're especially sadistic to women gate operators. Here, a city gal "experienced with gates" learns closing one is only half the challenge
Gwen Petersen
Hand Made
If you really want to see what's in a person's soul you should first look at their hands...
Lee Pitts
High-Horned Red Cow's Calf
Baxter Black
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