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CHIEF JOSEPH: Guardian of the People
Click on the above title and travel with Candy and learn history of the American West ranging from the trails to gold camps, and from Indian sites to frontier forts. You’ll meet people ranging from exotic animal breeders and buckskinners to cowboy poets and Pony Express riders.

Writer's Digest BOOKS:

Everyday Life in the Wild West
Everyday Life Among the American Indians

Roadside History Books:

Roadside History of Nebraska
Roadside History of Wyoming

Other Books:

HOT BISCUITS: Eighteen Stories by Women and Men of the Ranching West
The Grand Encampment: Settling the High Country
Steamboat: Legendary Bucking Horse
Legacy of the Tetons: Homesteading in Jackson Hole
Wagon Wheels: A Contemporary Journey on the Oregon Trail
Salt Lake City Uncovered

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ISBN: 0-87842-315-X Paperback

First Place Winner in nonfiction history book awards from both Wyoming Media Professionals and the National Federation of Press Women in 1996.

Roadside History of Wyoming gives readers a sampling of the history, people, places, and events that shaped my home state of Wyoming. As I said in the introduction to the book, "High atop America is a place so rugged and wild it grabs your heart and spirit and soul: Wyoming, land of the cowboy. The state is a sensation of endless space and unchanged time. Standing atop a granite boulder in the Rocky Mountains, you may feel that you're looking into forever or seeing a country untrammeled and untamed. Wyoming has lots of elbow room and not much to obstruct the view. Its immensity is matched only by its diversity: Rock-strewn mountains, rolling plains, windswept deserts and pastoral valleys. In every region of the state you can climb to the top of a high peak, spin your gaze like a top, and see nothing but land, rocks and sagebrushjust as it might have looked when the first people came to this country. In Wyoming your spirit can soar with the eagles and race with the wild horses of the Pryor Mountains or the Red Desert."


ISBN: 0-87842-348-6 Paperback

Roadside History of Nebraska is a road guide to Nebraska. It is a collection of historical stories ranging from the earliest native inhabitants of the region to the development of Omaha and even Husker football.

Arranged in five sections: Lewis and Clark Country, River Country, Oregon Trail Country, Sandhills Country, and Panhandle Country, the book has tales of sod home settlers, rustlers, train robbers, farmers and industrialists.

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