Bonnie Anderson, author of Horse Tales & Tips
Reader's Comments
"I have a notebook of the tips from your site and I love them... Bonnie Anderson has been wonderful. All the tips I tried of hers worked the first time. I am now in the riding stage and my horse is awesome. Thank you all very much and keep the training tips coming!!!!!!"
Karen Gossard
Fayetteville, NC
Visit Bonnie's Website
About the Author
Bonnie Anderson has a two year degree in Horse Science, has worked at two
horse training/breeding facilities, and has had numerous articles
published while raising and training her own horses. She owned a saddle
shop for a few years and now has a book published called Horse Tales &
Tips. She is also a life time member of the Pony Express Riders of Iowa.
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A fire can happen at anytime, day or night, and it can happen whether youre at home or away. Having an evacuation plan in place can mean the difference between life or death for your horses.
First, take a look around your barn. Any dry grass or dead brush, old rags, flammable containers, or old hay laying around either inside or outside should be removed. Keep exit areas clear of any debris, equipment, or objects that can slow you down in case of an emergency evacuation.
Keep battery operated smoke alarms situated throughout the barn, replacing batteries as needed. Have a fire extinguisher hanging by the door. Put up no smoking signs in clear view and keep a strict enforcement policy. A telephone line to the barn could save you having to run to the house to call for help.
One of the biggest causes of barn fires is cobwebs. Once spider webs get built up around light fixtures they can heat up and start on fire. Be sure to use a broom and knock down any cobwebs in your barn, especially the ones around lighting.
Practice an emergency situation so that if a fire should break out you wont be left standing with your jaw dropped while your barn goes up in smoke. Have easy access to halters and lead ropes by making an emergency stock pile and placing it somewhere outside your barn, like a nearby storage shed, in the off chance you cant get to the tack room.
If there is a real fire, immediately evacuate humans and horses alike. Put halters and lead ropes on the horses, and even try blindfolding the horses who refuse to leave the area to get them moving again. Tie or lock the horses up in a secure area away from the fire. Make sure your horse can be handled by strangers. Have saddle club members help you practice a fire evacuation, having them halter and lead your horse out of the stable area.
Be sure to open any gates that the firefighters may need to get through in a hurry. Show them where they can get more water if needed. Draw up a map of your stable ahead of time to give to the fireman in charge. Show where any gas lines or other flammable materials are located on your drawing.
After a fire you may find you dont have any place to put your horse. Call around ahead of time to other neighboring horse owners and ask them if they would have a corral or stall you can put your horses in case if an emergency, then you can load your horses in trailers and transport them to safety as soon as possible. Offer the same consideration for your neighbors horses in case of a fire.
If you do know someone who as been through a recent barn fire, offer them any spare halters, feed, or other equipment you may have on hand until they can get back on their feet. You never know when it could be your turn in needing help in the future. Barn fires are terrible things to behold, and without safety measures in place, you could lose more than just the barn. It pays to be prepared.
Pony Express Riders of Iowa:
Each spring the Pony Express Riders of Iowa saddle up for a special
occasion. From across Iowa they gather together the local donations from horseback. Then in an old fashioned Pony Express ride, they ride from all corners of the state to converge on Camp Sunnyside, a camp for the disabled near Des Moines. The donations are used to help run the camp. Watching the combined horsemen ride the final miles to the camp brings a lump to ones throat for the Pony Express Riders freely give their time and effort for such a worthy cause. For more information about them contact the Easter Seal Society of Iowa.